Montgomery, Sy. Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strangest Parrot. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2010. ISBN 9780618494170
This book follows a team of people who are trying to save the critically endangered Kakapo parrot, a ground dwelling bird that is native to New Zealand. The story centers around a few specific birds like two females named Lisa and Cyndy and the efforts of the team to look after and care for them as well as their baby chicks. While there are some sadder moments in the book as the team witnesses the death of an old Kakapo parrot, the story is mostly one of great happiness and joy as the team protects the chicks and helps them to grow and survive. Even though information about these beautiful birds is limited, the work of this team, and others, have ultimately increased the number of living Kakapo parrots, giving hope for the survival of the species.
This book is beautifully written and filled with factual evidence from extensive field research Sy Montgomery did on location in New Zealand and with the conservation team trying to save the Kakapo. Montgomery invested five years in the writing of this book because so much is unknown about these birds and their breeding habits, and she had to wait for the right time to be able to bring readers this story. Working alongside the team, she is able to accurately document her experiences, observations, and conversations to draw the reader into the efforts used to save this bird. She also did extensive background research about these birds and includes a bibliography at the end of this book.
The organization of this book is not that of a typical informational survey book. This book falls into the category of a photo essay. The work of Nic Bishop in photographing this story and bringing it to life is both informational and highly artistic. The story picks up right away with the nocturnal adventures of this fascinating bird and continues with the work of the “nest minders” to protect the nest and the chick while mom is foraging for food. After providing various facts, the history of the Kakapo, and the events leading to its dwindling numbers, the story continues by following a few of the birds very closely to learn about their habits and behaviors through the eyes of the volunteers who are there to help. A reader will not soon forget Sirocco and his efforts to attract a mate or the heartbreak of losing Bill.
The design and style of this book is attention grabbing and stunning throughout. The layout provides for easy readability and the photographs are truly breathtaking. Facts about the Kakapo including day to day events like nest building, mating and eating habits, as well as other behaviors are presented in a variety of ways from bulleted lists to narratives within the text and always through the amazing photography. The reader learns a tremendous amount of information, and I found myself continually wanting to read on and learn as much as I could about this bird. The author’s passion for this delicate creature is infectious, and it is obvious that this is more than just another book for her. Luckily, she leaves the reader with information about the continuing efforts to help this parrot.
From Kirkus, starred review: “As always, the photographer's remarkable and clearly reproduced photographs support and enhance the text. The book's careful design is unobtrusive: The progress of an opening egg sets off page numbers, and fern patterns provide a subtle decoration. Bibliography and a website encourage readers' further explorations. Wonderful.”
From School Library Journal, starred review: “Excellent photos and a readable, conversational text provide an intimate look at a concerted effort to save a drastically endangered species unfamiliar to most of the world outside Down Under. Readers who enjoyed this author/photographer team's The Tarantula Scientist (2007) or Quest for the Tree Kangaroo (2006, both Houghton) will gobble up this tribute to ecological science in action.”
Gather other Sibert medal winners and honor books to read such as:
• O’Connell, Caitlin. The Elephant Scientist. ISBN 0547053444
• Roy, Katherine. Neighborhood Sharks: Hunting with the Great Whites of California's Farallon Islands. ISBN 1596438746
• Trumbore, Cindy. Parrots Over Puerto Rico. ISBN 1620140047
Gather other Sy Montgomery books to read such as:
• Saving the Ghost of the Mountain: An Expedition Among Snow Leopards in Mongolia. ISBN 0618916458
• The Tarantula Scientist. ISBN 061891577X
• The Quest for the Tree Kangaroo: An Expedition to the Cloud Forest of New Guinea. ISBN 054724892X
Use as a science lesson on: endangered species, animal adaptations, conservation, life cycles.
Explore Class Activities on Sy Montgomery’s website.
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